With word of Eliot Spitzer’s link to a prostitution agency and his subsequent resignation, monogamous marriage is back under the media microscope. Here is an interesting article by David Barash in the Concord Monitor. He’s the co-author of The Myth of Monogamy, which I cite in Opening Up.
Month: March 2008
Then They All Got Naked
Just saw a review of a new book on swinging called Then They All Got Naked and self-published by its author O. Kay Jackson. She’s not a swinger herself, but apparently researched the book. Hmmm…Has anyone else heard of this book or read it? Got to put it on my list.
Getting Excited for the Party!
We are frantically getting ready for the New York launch party on May 13. There is a lot to coordinate: we’ve got to stuff all the gift bags, finish signage, get another folding table, figure out what to wear, find one more helper to work the door, finalize the RSVP list, and lots more. Will Mark and Patricia pick up the mini-bottles of liquor from our sponsor? Will the disk with the Chemistry 4 preview arrive at Happy Ending and work in their player? Will books arrive in time? Will PyreXion’s donation for the raffle door prize come in the mail? Will the gorgeous porn star/burlesque performer/Penthouse Pet of the Year Runner Up Justine Joli really come to the party (she RSVP’ed!)? As I said, lots to do!
Welcome to OpeningUp.net. I created this site as a resource for folks interested in all kinds of open relationships, including: nonmonogamy, partnered nonmonogamy, polyamory, solo polyamory, polyfidelity, swinging, open marriage, mixed orientation marriage, and mono/poly combinations. Check out the Resources section to see an up-to-date version of the Resource Guide in the book. The Open List is a list of professionals (therapists, psychologists, doctors, coaches, etc.) who are knowledgable and experienced with nonmonogamy. Check them out!