City Pages, a Minneapolis/St. Paul alternative paper, not only wrote about polyamory -- they made it the cover story.
As a look into the poly scene in the area, the lengthy story profiles a triad and as well as a woman who is dating around. The triad consists of Carrie, who is a member of the board on MN Poly (the Minnesota Polyamory Network) and her two partners, Rick and Mark.
The other woman profiled is Jami, a bisexual 31-year-old who is also a member of MN Poly. She explains why polyamory fits her:
To me, being poly is about building open, honest, lasting relationships. I just believe that some people are meant to be monogamous and others aren't. I tried being monogamous and I realized it's not for me. Some people say that being poly isn't an orientation like being straight or gay, that it's a choice. Personally, I think that the fact I don't have to be everything for just one person is fantastic. It's just better.
The story covers a lot of ground, detailing both the triad and Jami's varied experiences, such as how they realized they were poly and how their friends and family have reacted to it. It also makes note of the many poly groups and organizations throughout the state (including Modern Poly), and Carrie talks about how far the community has come in recent years.
Plus, as a result of this article, in which Carrie mentioned that poly folks with children may not want to talk to media outlets for fear of legal repercussions, a woman named Julia Janousek from north Minneapolis came forward, offering herself as an interview subject on the topic of raising kids as a polyamorous mom. Janousek explains that she never sat her kids down to tell them she was poly, and instead just presents the situation as their normal life.
Read the whole City Pages article and follow-up interview.