Kamela Dolinova, Certified Rubenfeld Synergist

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Kamela Dolinova, Certified Rubenfeld Synergist
Power In Your Hands
77 Mystic Street

People who are exploring questions of gender, sexuality, or relationship styles can feel alone, abnormal, or unlovable. I show them how to accept themselves in their beauty and strength, so they can experience loving connection in their lives.

For those who have experienced trauma - whether from the above groups or from any walk of life - the body can become alien, emotions overwhelming, and the world a hostile place. I help trauma survivors find their ground, connect to their resources, and regain trust in their own bodies as their most precious resource.

I am certified in the Rubenfeld Synergy Method , a gentle, powerful healing modality that uses talk, touch, and movement to address the whole individual. We will always move at your pace, finding gentle, respectful ways to enter into conversation with your body, and shift the way you move in your life.

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