Kasey Varga, MFT

Kasey Varga, MFT
445 Bellevue Ave.

I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a pull toward serving parents and caregivers, couples, and individuals challenged by romantic relationship. I am open to alternative lifestyles and to non-traditional relationship configurations and am committed to maintaining LGBTQIA awareness and to challenging injustice. I offer an opportunity to utilize heartbreak in service of growth and to begin to untangle the reality of your current relationships from the residue of your history. I challenge parents to set firm limits with warmth and to allow children the full expression of their feelings. In light of a great deal of training and personal experience I bring a deep respect for the unknown and a willingness to land in mystery.
Probably the most important thing I do is help adult clients differentiate between a rational response to their current life circumstance and the re-stimulation of emotional memory. I help clients offload unpleasant feelings through noticing and experiencing them directly, in the body. I offer parents specific tools and strategies.
I am trained in Parenting by Connection, an approach to parenting that focuses on connection rather than control. I am an Expressive Arts Therapist and utilize dramatic and arts-based interventions. I've studied intensively with a non-dual spiritual teacher for over four years.

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