Kat Nantz Somatic Sex Coach & SEP

Kat Nantz Somatic Sex Coach

Somatic sex coaching is a collaborative relationship which invites your body into the process. Together, we become curious about your body’s story.

My coaching style is an evolving dynamic process based partly on talking and partly on working directly with what you notice in your body in the moment, using awareness, story telling, movement, breath, sound, intuition and co-regulation for trauma healing and connecting to your own innate body wisdom.

This work is an invitation to reintroduce the wild, wise, playful, embodied parts of ourself that have been abandoned, landing in your body and inhabiting it in a way that feels long forgotten.

My approach is sex-positive and body-neutral. I am kink/BDSM, non monogamy, LGBTQA+ inclusive and I welcome all genders, bodies, lifestyles, and sexualities.

Together, we create a safe(r) space where you can connect to your pleasure, set powerful boundaries, explore fantasy, explore kink/BDSM, navigate consensual non-monogamy, come back to your body with somatic awareness, redefine sex, positive body image, deepen connection to self and your partner(s), sexuality and pregnancy/motherhood, live a more authentic life by design and so much more!

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