"The Gay Male Couple's Guide to Nonmonogamy" is an article from The Advocate about gay men in open relationships, with tips on how to open a relationship and maintain happiness within it. The piece begins with interviews with several couples whose relationships were monogamous for many years before the men decided to open them up.
The article's focus is on solid primary relationships and agreed-upon sex outside the relationship. Therapists, a psychologist, and a psychiatrist give their input on what couples can do to ensure success with an open relationship of this type. Not surprisingly, their advice centers around honest communication and established boundaries.
Despite the perils it presents, nonmonogamy can be a source of great satisfaction. "I've actually seen many couples develop more compassion and trust in the course of the relationship when they are open and clear that they really want each other to be free, honest, and happy," says [clinical psychologist] Huber. "Sex is a very powerful, vital source of joy when explored deeply."
Read the rest on The Advocate. The second page of the article features a checklist of things to talk about before opening your relationship.