Cherrie is a monthly Australian magazine that covers lesbian, bisexual, queer, transgender and intersex news and entertainment. In their April issue, and for the first installment of a new series called "Modern Love," the magazine profiled two relationships, one of them a lesbian poly one. Tathra and Emma had been dating for five years when a third person, Jac, began seeing Emma. Now they live together.
Having an ethical polyamorous relationship that works, is based on agreements. For these women, it's clear and simple. Don't bitch about each other. If any of them have a disagreement it must get resolved before they sleep with someone else. Keep in open communication and even talk about it as a group. Schedule date nights. Don't take each other for granted. Be present with whomever you're with in the moment.
. . . The bond between the three of them is palpable. I'm moved by their maturity and the depth to examine who they are in relationships. Jac says, "Even jealousy is not forbidden or taboo."
Read the rest from Cherrie.