Salt Lake City's City Weekly currently features an extensive, very in-depth cover story about non-monogamy in Utah. This exceptional story -- written by a man who is poly himself -- profiles a litany of poly relationships from triads to quads, and even a 74-year-old real estate investor and former Mormon bishop who is now poly after a 48-year monogamous marriage.
One woman, a former Mormon, has this to say about being poly.
Coming into who I really am while breaking out of what my parents and my bishop thought I should be and doing what moves me has been awesome. I love loving how I love. I love being how I am. I think I'm one of the luckiest women in the world, and I'm surrounded by intelligent, spiritual, loving people.
Utah is not the most friendly place for polyamorists; it has a law against co-habitation (as part of its anti-bigamy statute), and an "at-will" employment law which allows employers to terminate the job of someone who is outed as poly. But the article plugs the Utah Polyamory Society, which holds meetings and other events meant to bring together polyamorous Utahns.
The article closes with a lovely summation of polyamory.
. . . for those willing to explore beyond what's conventional (and probably incur some of society's disapproval in the process), polyamory is a fast-paced course in self-discovery, a laboratory for overcoming self-defensive reactions like jealousy, and a yoga studio for deep soul stretching.